

beauty product 09:25
I love out door activities very much. That's why my skin is not fair like the usual asian kid. I have many tanned lines on my legs and hands. I wish to let the tanned lines fade so I've been searching for many ways to fade the ugly tanned lines. I came across an online shop selling beauty products and they were selling...Read More

Learn Korean

baekhyun 11:09
I've always wanted to learn korean since I'm so into kpop and kdramas. However , I did not have much time to learn a new language because of the heavy load of schoolwork I've got. So since I'm on holiday now and I've nothing to do. I decided to learn korean again! This idea got into my head suddenly because I've been watching...Read More

I'm rich?

exo 01:41
Dear princes and princesses , If you still haven't work , please don't simply waste money. I was born in a quite wealthy family. My parents have money , but that doesn't mean I have money and I can spend the money given to me. My parents usually just give me pocket money for school. However , I left school already , therefore...Read More


fairytale 08:11
©️  to the fantastic artist who painted this beautiful painting Hello guys. I'm just an anonymous introvert who likes unicorns and fairytales. 🦄  The reason I made this blog is because I sometimes feel like I have nobody to talk to and I can only talk to my toys. I have many social media too but all my friends and family are there...Read More