
I'm rich?


Dear princes and princesses ,

If you still haven't work , please don't simply waste money.
I was born in a quite wealthy family. My parents have money , but that doesn't mean I have money and I can spend the money given to me. My parents usually just give me pocket money for school. However , I left school already , therefore , I was not given pocket money anymore.

I usually will keep the extra money to buy what I want and what I like. I seldom ask money from parents because I know the money they have are from their hard work and not mine. So , I wont ask for money except when I really need to buy something but haven't have enough money.

You guys know the china shopping website called taobao right. I have a friend who always buy things from there. And as you know Malaysia currency is getting lower and lower , so buying things from china will be more expensive then before. This friend of mine , she always ask for money from her parents to buy things in Taobao. The thing i hated about it was , her parents are suffering from the hardness of doing a small business , but this girl won't even bother and keep spending her parents money. Plus , she always pursue me to buy too because more people buying , the postage will be cheaper.

My friends always thought I'm a rich girl and i have plenty of money to spend. but NO! My parents have the money , NOT ME.

Since it's holiday now , I am thinking of getting a part time job to earn some money because I WANNA BUY EXO WINTER ALBUM!!! But , I'm still a 17 y/o teen and many companies don't want a 17 y/o teen. 🙃😕  But once I turn 18 , i will be busy with studies. 😭  HOW TO WORK?!

Sorry for the bad grammar and shitty arrangement of this post. I was just ranting because the girl just asked me to buy taobao again Zzz

Have a good day and wish you all have the money to buy what you like 💕

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