
2016 - 2017


It's second day of 2017 already. I planned to write this post on the first day of 2017 but I was sick af.

Let's talk about 2016 first.

It's a really fun and tiring year for me. It's my year of sitting for the SPM. It's a big exam in Malaysia. Starting of the year , my friends threw a small birthday party for me in class. They brought a big boo boo bear to school for me but i didn't notice until they gave it to me. 😂  I didn't expect them to celebrate with me since it's the starting of a hectic school year. I'm glad to have these bunch of friends. ❤️  xbyxz I love you.

Next , there were many trips to colleges in 2016 because we are seniors and we have to go to college the next year. It's fun to travel with friends on buses and wearing the same school tshirt. The trips were indeed a great memory.

2016 is also the year my favourite teacher is retiring. She's a great physics teacher and a kind handball teacher adviser. She's a nice old lady who always nags at me when I don't pay attention in class. However , I appreciate her nags because without it , I won't understand a thing about physics. Since she's no more in school , my second year of physics was taught by a young male teacher. He didn't care whether I listened or not. That's the year my physics result starting to drop. But I still study hard on my own and hoping my SPM result won't be bad because I do not wish to dissappoint my favourite old physics teacher.

Let's fast forward to our school's sports day and graduation night.
It's my last year marching for green house in sports day. I'm glad that we got 2nd place. I'm always proud to become a marching girl for green house and I will still be proud. I love green. 💚
Before graduation night , each class had to think of a performance to perform during that night. Our class is the least students class but I think our class is not always together. Some of my classmates are a bit selfish and self-centered. Since form4 , I've always dreamt of having the whole class to be on stage and perform together. However , my dream did not come true. Only half of us performed that night. It's still a wonderful night tho. We get to dressed up and put on make up and wear high heels. Wearing high heels were very tiring and painful tho HAHA. The only regret I had that night is not having the chance to take a complete class photo.

After all the fun and laughters. It's time to study our ass of for SPM. That is our exam hall. I was seated quite front in the middle row. It's very scary since the classes beside us is the so call the smart classes. After one month of sleepless-studying nights and days , we officially graduated from high school. I'm happy but sad at the same time. Happy because I do no need to go to school anymore. Sad because I won't go to school to see my lovely friends anymore. 

After graduate , I thought me and my friends will always hang out. However , expectations are still expectations. The reality is most of my friends are working , some of them go travelling and some just lazy to go out.  It is the saddest truth ever. After about a month of not seeing each other and less chatting in social media. I feel like some of them already forget who I am. I feel distance between us although we are the closest in school. I really hope we can often meet each other in 2017.

To end my 2016 , my family planned a two days one night trip to Cameron Highlands. 

We went to BOH Tea Farm and many flower gardens. I love it. However , it's too cold for me. I never expect Cameron to be that cold , so I just brought tshirt and shorts and a jacket. It was so cold I was literally freezing and shaking throughout the whole trip.

I was back in my own town in new year's eve. Originally , my group of friends planned to go countdown for 2017 together. But the plan failed again , as usual. Therefore , I asked my best friend whether she was free that night and drag her out to go countdown with me. Despite her having to work early in the morning , she's still willing to accompany me to go see the fireworks and countdown together. That's what best friends for , right? ☺️💕

The fireworks was amazing ! I always love fireworks. After the countdown , we went home and the next day , 1st of January 2017 , I was sick. 😷  I stayed in bed the whole day , sneezing and coughing. I am okay now! 😅

For 2017 ,

I hope I can go to a good college and study a course I really like. I also hope that my SPM result is good (Full As please). I really wish my group of friends will have a gathering soon because it's really a long time since we last meet. This year , I wish my year is still as awesome as the previous years. Although there will be ups and downs , I still hope that this year will go smooth and steady. What's your wishes for 2017? Comment down below ! I wish everybody's good wishes will come true and everybody live happily and healthy !

That's the end of my long ass post. Have a great day and have a great year ahead ! ☺️💞

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