
Happy Lunar New Year 2017 ! 鸡年大吉 !


鸡年大吉 ! 🐔🐤🐣🐥

Happy Rooster Year to every year who is celebrating lunar new year ! Hope you have a prosperity and healthy year.

First of all , I would like to send my gratitude to all my family and relatives that gave me angpao. (Angpao is red packets filled with money , it's a tradition to give angpao to children to wish them a healthy year.) Secondly , I'm thankful for the all the cny biscuits.

To be honest , chinese new year so me is just another day to stay at home. I have very less relatives so I don't need to go to many houses to visit them. I mostly just stay at home doing what I usually do , watching dramas. I want to meet my friends but most of them are working even during cny and some of them have many of relatives , so they have to spend time with their relatives. And so , I'm left alone , bored.

I'm probably too bored to write this post lol. This blog post will definitely be boring like my life.

Today is the third day of cny , I went 拜年 , which is visiting. 拜年 for me is literally just changing places to watch tv and eat cny biscuits. I'm not even close with my relatives , all of them are my grandma's relatives so I have nothing to talk to them. And I can't understand their language , they talked in a different dialect but I only know how to speak chinese and some cantonese. The teenagers in my relatives house don't wanna bother me too. They're probably very close so they don't want me to join in their games. So , I have no choice to play with the kids. Luckily , the kids like me. I think I'm more popular in the kids side? I'm more comfortable with kids too.

I'm waiting for the eighth day of cny because I get to visit my primary teacher and meet with my primary classmates. Hopefully we will gather or hangout after we visit our teacher.

On the last day of cny , me and my few friends planned to go 抛柑. It's an event when girls throw mandarin oranges 🍊  into the river with writings of their phone number or social media and guys collect them. It's an event to meet new people or even meet a partner for life. However , it's also quite dangerous too because you won't know , any evil people will use this chance to do bad things.

As for cny movies , I wanted to watch 功夫瑜伽 kungfu yoga and 西游2 journey to the west 2.
Kungfu Yoga is a movie starring by Chen Long , Li Zhi Ting , Lay and more. From the trailer , I guess it's a lame and funny cny movie. Plus , lay from EXO is one of the cast , so I'm very excited to see that movie.
Journey To The West 2 is a movie directed by the famous 周星驰. And Kris Wu is one of the main actor in this movie ! I always love 周星驰's movie because his movies were all very funny and has a great moral value in it. I'm anticipating to have a great laugh while I'm watching the movie.

During cny , you can always see many pretty / handsome ootds in instagram and fb. It saddens me to see many younger generations wore black shirt or black outfit during the first day of cny. As the elderlies said , we should wear red or at least pink or orange (bright colours) on the first day of cny because it represents prosper. As for black , it means unfortunate or bad luck for them. I will always wear a red cheongsam on the first day when I was little but as I grow older , I only wear red dresses or skirts. This year , when I was scrolling my social medias , I noticed a lot of young people were wearing black. I just feel like we should at least respect the elders by simply wearing a red clothing during the first day of cny. But that's just my mere opinion , I have no offence to anybody wearing black.

I think that's all I wanted to say today. It's time for dinner now. Bye and please have a good day and of course Happy Chinese New Year ! 🎊

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